A Method of Finding the Best Route and Shortest Route to a Ready Mixed Concrete Plant Through Real Time Tracking System by using GIS and GPS
Research Article- DOI: 10.23953/cloud.ijarsg.499
ArcGIS; ready mixed concrete; tracking system; Network planningAbstract
The delay in transportation of ready mix concrete has become a common issue in civil engineering construction industry which wasted millions of rupees. This report is prepared as a part of the research conducted on developing a GIS based tracking system for truck mixers and a system to find the best route in transporting ready mixed concrete. Furthermore, it focuses on determining (VRP) feature in network analysis extension in ArcGIS. A shape files of road network in Colombo area was created using an open street map. The road network was mapped on the open street map shadflies using polylines. For this research, batching plant established in Colombo 14 and three construction sites in Kollupitiya and union place were considered. Relevant coordinates for both batching plant and the construction sites were imported to the map. Before caring out the final simulation, various constraints were assigned to ready mixed plants as well as for the routes such as one way restrictions etc. The traffic flow of the specific routes has been observed in two time frames such as normal peak hours (07:00 hrs. to 20:00hrs) and off peak hrs (20:00hrs to 7:00hrs). The main objective of this research is to developed an optimum delivery plan for truck mixers by using Arc GIS software and provide a guideline to develop this concept to be used in a much larger scale for beneficial of construction industry
Keywords ArcGIS; ready mixed concrete; tracking system; Network planning
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23953/cloud.ijarsg.499
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